Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Great Fics

1am this day, I tried connecting and read the rest of the chapters of a FF by two LJ Freelance writers that I really respect, with the codename "TOKYO Lovelight and Youngwoong" ,entitled "UNRECORDED". DANG! I'm really disappointed, I thought it's a complete fic but, NO, hella..It is still in progress. I was enjoying reading and was already in the XXIV-Persephone Chapter , enjoying and picturing every scene in the chap. When I clicked "Next Entry", it's a Modpost, it only means that it isn't complete yet. I should wait for the next update.

The story, "Unrecorded" is about a gifted violinist, Zhang Li Yin and all the tragedies. How she loved playing and how violin became a part of her but in one incident, everything turned inside out. She blames everything on the classical instrument. And now, guess why.

I really like angsty and dramatic stories. The way this story was written was very outstanding, so artistic and the way the writer name the titles of the chapters adds multiple effects. But I would like to tell everybody a fact about my friend writer, Jia Zhang. She's not Chinese, it's only a writer code . She's Japanese. So now, don't think that East Asians can't express themselves fluently in English.]

And now, I think I found a better fic than my uberly fave "Don't Blink". I only read the 1st chap of UBV series and I already had this feeling that it's going to be a better and bigger series than Don't Blink.

UNA BELLA VITA tells the story of Kim Jaejoong, a Zainichi Korean in Japan's seedy underworld. A methodical executioner, Jaejoong is a ghost in the city of Tokyo, with a dark and violent past that continues to haunt him, tearing him between his loyalty and his humanity. However, beneath all the carnage and death, a hidden enemy hides behind the shadow of this war, threatening to change the very face of the Tokyo underworld.

It's my favorite genre, ACTION/ SUSPENSE/ ANGST/ DRAMA and ROMANCE. Like Don't Blink, the only difference is this Fic is truly dark and DB has little humor. With MAFIA, YAKUZA Families, Black Market, Assasins and all stuffs in Tokyo Underworld and then a complicated love story, friendship and betrayal and infinite secrets of characters. I love the Japanese Terms, of course, I know all Yakuza terms, I don't know how I mastered all, Ojou, Obeni, Same-sama, nee-san, domo-sama and all. The way each character was described and how they move in the story,especially Kim Jaejoong, you can really tell he is really a strong and scary character. How he drew his knife in the enemy or how the Yoshio-sai members were killed, I can imagine those scenes and it's pretty. I can feel the emotions of the charaters. The only problem in reading "Una Bella Vita" , most of the chapters are F-Locked, so you need approval from the administrator.

Anways, here's the magnificent trailer of "UNA BELLA VITA"

"Una Bella Vita Opening"

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