WHo would not notice JUNG JESSICA's EXTREME make-Over??
I Think SNSD's fans are just middle year students,young girls and BOYS drooling over their smooth legs..or their Fake Faces *they undergo so many cosmetic surgeries**Out of 9..I think it's only Yoona who got an original face..the rest are DANG!! Fakes!!-try looking for their pre-debut pix..--Those People who love the songs "GEE" and "OH" are retards..GOD! and I already got tired hearing Run Devil Run...Can You imagine Housewive's or Husbands at work singing "Oppa,oppa,I'll be... I'll be down down down down!-------or------ Gee, Gee,Gee, Gee, Baby,Baby,Baby!--LOL! crazy right?---i only felt relieved when I heard "Into the New World"--but the song is noisy--- and "Baby,Baby" where they tried a diff Genre...but---whatevah! I don't like them....And Bcoz this song is used in The ANYCALL Haptic CF of them with my TVXQ boys..I liked it..."WAY TO GO"...and I sometimes listen to the 1st part of "KISSING YOU"---the line Ji-Yeon "Na HyunJung" sang in the last episode of my Fave Drama "Master of Study/ God of Study".--------I REALLY HATE JESSICA! haha! She's the one who got the most surgeries...and CRAP! she got the same surname as U-know of DBSK "Jung" Yunho...
and her number in OH! is 22..trying to make the rumors sound real b*tch uh?I heard She's dating Donghae but she wants the rumors about her ND JJ sound true,too---But JJ's jersey number "33" is still the original**and the ring issue.,It's Yunjae's couple ring XD--so 3 of them got that ring,huh??She's just jealous and envious ang got her own ring,too...LOL...the start of the MV of Gee..I thought it's something really great..especially when Tiffany is making it First I was like "OK..Let's See"...then I "DANG! What's This Crap??"---OK...a short generalization for this....SNSD fandom is simply Looks-over-Talents XDD.-----
Now Let's see the rings..OK?

SNSD, SuperJunior and DBSK are already friends even before their debut,their under SME as trainees...In the case of DBSK and SUJU...they are all just a single unit before...trainees..and soon became a group of apprentices..
The Agency planned on choosing the 5 who got the guts from the apprentices..
Jung Yunho, Kim Jaejoong, Kim KiBum, Kim Junsu and Shim Changmin were chose..
but Six months prior from TVXQ's debut...Park Yoochun came replacing KiBum in the group...
The remaining Apprentices were called "Super Junior"..
SNSD...who are still not "PRETTY?"--as SONES describe into their own trainings and a number of surgeries ...before officially debuting after years...Both SuJu and DBSK saw SNSD change from one surgery to another...YUP!...They knew that!...
So what do you think?? Kim Jaejoong will hit on Jessica if he knew it barely how that face transformed??What do you think?? Jaejoong will fall in love with this girl who got this faces before..and he even saw her wearing this face just a while ago??How he knew how many surgeries made this fake face??Now..what do you think??
Maybe Jae is DISGUSTED when he heard the rumors, but we all know, SJ and DBK care about their uniors[SNSD+SHInee]
(there's a lot of people that agrees with me---about those legs and costumes...that's their strength/Yes! It is even in an article about SNSD's debut in Japan..So it means it's only their legs..and their costumes...not their Let's thank their Stylists instead--read this article that tells a lot of truth about SNSD---JUST PLAIN FACT!---OMG! watching their MV's is like watching a trailer of a porn movie..look at those revealing skirts and everything!"(the 1st International Anti-SNSD Site>
see the PINK lights in the SUJU section??
SONES just Bash other fanbase >.< I'm even bashed by a netizen regarding my comment about the DC2008 issue BLACK ocean for SNSD...or the turning off of lightsticks by other FCs..OR the 10 min-SILENCE or the "Silent Treatment" while SNSD is performing"----Boo to them!...
..and yup! he admitted that he is a proud SONE and that they will protect their girls no matter what. SNSD was said to be the group that represents this generation's ladies...that's why they are Girls' Generation..DANG! that's why I answered that netizen--
"AND a F*ckn I don't care! I'll never agree about them representing our generation.They REPRESENT us? But what the hell, you SONES are doing?? Bashing and doing violent things to us fanGIRLS "GIRLS" of a different group better than your Girls' group??....being rude to the youth being represent by your idols? you're not that big...I'm a Cassie...and CASSIOPEIA is the largest fanclub worldwide! GET it? And the fanbase you Idiots are Bashing all these times is ELF...and you surely know CASSIE and ELF are the two of the largest fanclubs ever..It's a fact...get it??So Go drool over their legs and candy funky costumes and those Hella B*thcin' fake faces...Go Get a Life Bastard**""
-----and guess what?? I got +42 for that!----.and ELF got the "BLUE Ocean Treat" for SuJu...looks
really nice!
while SONES got the PINKocean??LOL! haha! those man holding pink lightsticks and balloons?? SO Gayish..LOL